Winds and Woods
Janika Groß
Daumierstr. 11
04157 Leipzig
phone: 0160/91842963
Liability for Links
The content of this site was created with great care. However, we cannot warrent for correctness, completeness and actuality of the content. As service provider, we are responsible due to §7 Abs.1 TMG for our own content, as public law set. Due to §8 to 10 TMG we are not bound to monitor transmitted or stored external information or to serach for clues for illegal doings. Liabilities for removing or locking the use of information due to common law is not touched hereby. Responsibility can only be taken from the moment we recognize a concrete wrongdoing. If we recognize concrete wrongdoings, we will remove them immediately.
Liability for Content
Our offer contains links to external websites, where we have no influence on the content. Therefor, we cannot take responsibility for external content. Liability for the content of linked sites is always the respective owner of that site. Linked sites were checked for possible wrongdoings at the time of linking. No illegal content was visible at that time. Permanent control of the content of linked sites without concrete clue of a wrongdoing is not reasonable. If we recognize wrondoings, we will remove those links immediately
The content and created works at this site are liable to german copyright. Copying, editing, sharing and any kind of use out of the constraints of the copyright need written agreement by the author. Downloading and copying of this site is restricted to private, non-commercial use only. If content of this site was created by third party, copyright received attention. Especialy, we mark content of third parties as such. If you recognize copyright violation anyhow, please give us a hint. If we recognize copyright violation, we will remove the relevant content immediately.
Alternative Dispute Resolution in accordance with Art. 14 (1) ODR-VO and § 36 VSBG:
The european commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution (OS) which is accessible at We are not obliged nor willing to participate in dispute settlement proceedings before a consumer arbitration board.